June 13, 2007

Irish Bones (a work-in-progress)

Irish Bones*

(a poem for the stage)

© By Mark Langton

* UNDER CONSTRUCTION (still styling text, so fonts and formats will vary)



JAMES JOYCE, a barman. No relation to the other one. Owner and proprietor of J. JOYCE’S, a small pub at the central crossroads of Clough, a rural coal mining and farming community in Southwest Ireland, County of Kilkenny. Tall, gruff, 60-ish, with heavy eyebrows and a nearly unintelligible “culchie” (countryman’s) dialect, with a vocabulary beyond his schooling (and the realm of possibility). And yet, there ya have it, now.

TOMMY O’NEILL, a ghost. Equal parts parish priest, shaman and European hippie, circa 1972. Nearly Biblical in appearance, with a full, red beard, long, red hair and deeply-etched features. He is wearing a large overcoat, bright green American sneakers and a red-and-white striped scarf, carries a large staff festooned with all manner of flotsam and totems, a hangman’s noose hangs loosely around his neck and, beneath it, a tattered priest’s collar. He has an air of mischief about him that is at once charming and unsettling, as he is given to fleeting rages, flights of fancy, wanton dancing and unexpected bursts into song.

ANNE, a ghost. Once a ‘laddish’ young girl who grew into an astonishing local beauty, she alternates between rough-‘n’-tumble tomboy to dewey-eyed ingénue. She is somewhat confused by her circumstances at the moment, as she finds herself to be a dead girl at the bottom of a well.

THE AMERICAN, a newspaper reporter who has come to Ireland to investigate the death of his childhood friend, Tommy, the priest. His clothes look thrown at him, his face is the texture of Harris Tweed, and he, too, alternates between light whimsy and dark broods. He does not show anger or grief easily, which is a little inconvenient at the moment, for at present he’s made up of equal parts of each.

THE BOYS (chorus), the habitués of Joyce’s. Gentleman farmers, who don’t raise nuttin’ but their hats.















THE BARMAN, aka JIMMY JOYCE, is seen standing behind the bar in silhouette and frozen in tableau. A few of the BOYS are spread around the mostly darkened Joyce’s. TOMMY enters. He is wearing a long overcoat, bright green American sneakers and carries a large, ornately-festooned staff. He is softly humming and occasionally hopping on one foot to an internal rhythm and song, and is, for the most part, oblivious to his surroundings. It becomes clear that TOMMY hears and sees marvels that only TOMMY can hear or see. He notices the audience and brightens up, places his index finger to his lips to indicate a secret, then quickly tours the set of Joyce’s, engaging in all manner of bits of business and mischief: switches hats on frozen actors, puts two straws up another man’s nose and then his own, briefly humping the man’s leg like a rutting walrus; takes JIMMY’s rag and pulls it through JIMMY’s ears like a magic trick, and so on…. Finally he settles down, sits downstage in front of the audience, as the set of Joyce’s dims to dark again. We hear the sound of birds, a chapel bell in the distance and a woman’s voice singing, “She Moved Through The Fair.” Tommy scratches his head, collects his thoughts and -- in counterpoint to the song -- begins to speak.


In a corner of a prism,

in the giggle of a loon,

in a momentary schism,

in the shadow of the moon,

in a whirling of a dervish,

in the frenzy of a dance,

in a tussle of a skirmish,

in the twilight of a trance,

in a wiggle of a tickle,

in the bubble of a beer,

in a little tiny prickle,

in the trickle of a tear,

in a promise of forever,

in the second of a glance,

in a vow that I would never,

there was this one,



{The lights come up on JOYCE’S. JIM is standing behind the bar facing us, polishing a glass. He puts down the glass, strikes a wooden match and lights a cigarette with practiced flair, never breaking his gaze with the audience. He exhales slowly, spits out a piece of tobacco, and begins.}



At the cross o’ Clough,

near Castlecomer,

not too far from the Dublin Road,

there stands a noble little bar

where, on the odd occasion,

the local boys will hold

a sort of ad hoc

midnight mass, do ya see.

In which a solemn little lesson

is frequently repeated.

And then it is repeated.

The story and its lesson.

O, repeatedly repeated

and revealed.

(JIM raps the bar twice, drinks

and smiles.)

Oh, God make it shtop.

There’s no sweet rollin’

in th’ grass --

not any more, do ya see.

There’s no one kissin’ in

your sister’s parlor,

no sound o’ laughter

floatin’ ‘cross the evenin’,

no happy boyos gettin’ drunk

and singin’ in the neighbor’s field.

No. These days?

(JIM pauses to smoke, appears to swallow it,

holds it in his lungs for what seems like a long time – until he finally

exhales, again, slowly. After a pause, he begins.)

Before first frost

takes autumn’s dare,

the smallest altar boy

grows only cold.

Dead roosters crow.

And packs of black crows fly

like … like foockin’ omens.

Them happy nuns are after lookin’

terrible grim up there on Moneen Row,

even the younger ones

just stand and stare,

their eyes as old

as the silent, brooding,


Irish sky.

Now, on certain nights,

when Cantwell’s closes,

just after Kat’leen Cantwell shuts her gate,

and all the boys who duck in my place

start to settle down and listen to the

river as it tries to drown

the only other sound in town,

the sound the fookin’ wind will make

when it comes rattlin’ the churchyard gate,

to go howlin’ through the tower,

and right before it rings the bell, well….

That’s the hour your man

Tommy rises. Goes his

quiet way

up to this very hearth,

stands before its glowin’ grate,

to sing a song

to bring a shiver

into every

private hell.

My name is Jim,

and I’m a barman.

Some say I’m too lucky and slow.

But this is my place,

so I say, fook ‘em,

and my place is Joyce’s,

that’s right, it’s called Jim Joyce’s,

that’s what I said,

as so am I,

as so am I Jim Joyce’s,

and I’ll f-f-f-foockin’ be

Jim Joyce’s – f-f-f-f-aithfully --

until one or both of us

is dead, and you know…

sure, I didn’t know there was

anut’er one until

your father told me

ten year ago.

Mine is the only local man’s local --

unless you count her up the road.

Ho, with her plank and two barrels

and muther in back --

shtill . . . I shuppose Kat’leen’s

is not a bad place to go.

See, that’s the t’ing about Clough --

wherever ye are,

you’ll never go wantin’

for good conversation,

for there’s always

an abundance o’ that,

and there’s always a scandal,

and the best piece o’ that

is it’s always concernin’

somebody ya know!

Aye, I knew Tommy.

And I believe that

he knew me.

Ah, sure, we were known

to lift a pint or two.

On the rarest of occasions,

maybe t’ree.

He was a terrible man

for the girls,

like meself ….

but not half as

good-lookin’ as me .

(To no one in particular.)

Oh, God make it shtop.

Ah, be t’ holy man,

Tommy was wild,

a man without foe,

a man without fear,

and though I still can’t conceive

of a life or a world

that doesn’t have

sweet Tommy in it,

sure I haven’t seen Tommy ‘Nail --

not alive, anyway.

I imagine it’s been

only a year.

We mined the ‘Comer ore together,

do ya see, fought shoulder

to shoulder -- and,

at times, toe to toe --

but I’ll tell any man

that I loved that man,

and that he was the

best man that

I’ll ever know.

Sure, I … mean to say what I

mean to say….

May God have his

way wit’ him

and the rest o’ all that,

it’s just that -- oh, I don’t know.

Sometimes he’s just…

right there, y’know?

And then other times --

and usually not long after --

he just really is ... not,


T’at’s the only-only t’ing.

I just miss him sometimes

is all, I suppose.

Sometimes I just miss

Tommy, you know?

How’d ye know I was coomin’?!’

I’d call out when I’d find him

waitin’ for me with his tackle and pole.

‘I am The ‘Nail-O!’

that’s what Tommy’d always say,

he’d say, Ah sure, I knew ye

from before before!

Oh, God I know

your heart and soul.’

Funny, how I still always

see him like that.

Waitin’ for me at the

end of me road.

In fact, for years

I took comfort

in the misguided notion

of a day well after

the squawkin’ of women

and babbies be done,

and whether we’d be

widower, pauper,

cuckhold or cripple

(or otherwise betrayed),

I just always t’ought

Tommy’d be here ,

to finish our run. ;

Let ‘em all go away,

it made no matter,

for I was so sure

that no matter who left,

that it’d be Tommy that stayed.

I don’t know why

I’m tellin’ ya all this,

I don’t usually say what I feel.

But , ya see, it’s every day

that I’ve mourned,

and will mourn, sweet Tommy.

Sweet Thomas Brendan Patrick Joseph

Daniel John … Fitzgerald Kennedy

Peter Alloysius O’Neill.

(JIMMY continues)

Friendship is a funny t’ing.

It tests men in the strangest ways.

It can flourish in the dead of winter,

and wither deep in spring.

Golden boys on golden days

will swear to things that sometimes hinder

other pledges they swore they’d never

truly hold each other to forever;

behind their backs,

they cross their fingers,

cross their hearts and hope to die

before too many promises

or golden days go by.

So, ya better sit down.

For I’ve a poem to recite.

I’ve a prayer you can whisper

whenever ye kneel.

I’ve got a tale to tell,

and I’ll tell it tonight,

that even a shannachie

would conceal.

Now, some might tell ya

that at the very least

it’s only a fable

fishwives tell,

about the girl,

a lonely priest,

two broken vows

and a chapel bell.





Some say it’s Annie haunts him still --

who are, themselves, still haunted by the t’ing

and so compelled to tell the tale.

Some speak of them when they feel brave,

who dare to speak of the two at’all.

The beery boys of Cloneen fill

their glasses with a bitter ale,

and will swear by every mother’s grave

that it was Father Tom they

saw and heard, all right --

we all could hear him,

clear as a bell,

each time he comes to call.

(We don’t see TOMMY, but we can hear him.)

And Tommy whispered,

Waaaaake the waaaaaaaaaaaaterrrrrr.

Whistled low, the way he would

whenever Annie tried to hide

by climbing down

her mother’s well,

And Tommy whispered,

Wake the daaaaaaaughterrrrrrr…!

Raaaaaaaaaise the child!

And if I could,

I’d tell you all

about the bride

what binds me to

this curs-ed bell!

(JIMMY slams his hand on the bar)


Well, now … THAT was a bit disturbin’ !

To say the very least.

Well, I mean t’ say!

When you’re a matured

and finished sinner,

and you’re drinkin’ in a public house,

the only thing worse

than hearin’ the voice of a ghost

is hearin’ the voice of a ghost

of a priest!

BUT most of us were

pretty sure that

it was only Tommy, after all,

so none of us were really too

inclined to run away.

As a matter of fact,

didn’t Scanlan call back,

“Right then, Tom!

Work away, boy!

Let’s hear what ya

have to say!”

And Tommy whispered,

(from outside, getting closer)


my dear

I miss

the moonlight.


my love

it leaves

too soon.

O, dear,

I differ


the mornin’.

it’s now

I miss

our merry


O, my love,

you rise



can’t you see

it’s not



O, my

darlin’ ,

won’t you


Can’t you

take your

leave --


O, impatient




Tell the



be gone.

O, hold the



from risin’ !

O, sweet


Tell the


And now,

my love,

a rising


it comes

upon us


too soon.

I wonder

if I’m

mad, O,


will you

leave me




the mornin’


the moon???


Then suddenly a silhouette

was standin’ at my door.

It started shamblin’

toward the hearth,

draggin’ its carcass

across the floor,

but when it stepped

into the glow,

sure, it was Tommy,

don’t you know.

And no more

was Tommy


no more.

And I swear by all

the holy men,

if you looked deep into

his eyes -- sure, it could

give ya quite a scare --

for among the shadows

I t’ought I saw

young Annie

hidin’ there.

Now, we’re all from

Kilkenny, here,

we’re bold and

rugged men,

but let it be told

that our blood ran cold

when Tommy started

to shpeak again:




and all

the colors of cold;

mineral, shell

and burning blue.

The sky

is in

a fire-blue,

and the wind

keeps ringin’


and ringin’,

the wind keeps



fire bell.

I am caught


a chill

as high,

as absolute,

as stellar sky,

as a winter hawk

with a starling’s eye,

airless moon

and powdered peak,

icicle snap

and glacier creak.

I said



of cold.





this dazzling art

derides me!

How can warmth

dare to exist?




I hide behind

icicles, double-glass,

huddle, hoard,

hold out, hold on,

hold on,

hold on,

hold on…

{The BOYS are all staring, slack-jawed, in most cases, drunk. Tommy, in a loud voice, to startle:}

Wake up, lads! (then, under his breath)

You’re embarrassin’ me….

For I am the one

Father Thomas Brendan Patrick Joseph…

Daniel ….John… Fitzgerald Kennedy…

Peter Alloysius O’Neill, by God --

Tommy O’Neill to most,

Father O’Neill to many,

Tommy ‘Nail to the rest

and, well – as far as I’m concerned --

I am The Nail-O.

[TOMMY does a brief soft shoe finish. Raising one eyebrow, he adds:]

…bye the bye.

And that goes for me,

and so am I.

[Another soft shoe. Baddadda boom-ta-boom-ta-boom.]

(T0MMY shrugs .)

Sometimes I amaaaaaaaze meself…

which always leaves me

somewhat daaaaaaaazed.

For I’m not really meself

whenever I amaaaaaaze meself,

so I wonder:

Who is amaaaaaaaazed?

(Shifting his voice to another, higher pitch.)

I started to shpeak

and didn’t know

what to speak about

and yet I started to speak

so I’m speakin’ about

startin’ to speak

and I’m not sure

if I’ve found

my way

in, or out!

(a little soft shoe)

O, God, make it shtop.

I am an

only child,

do ya see.

And so

it follows

that I am

a rather

lonely twin.

For I am

the self-same


what follows

wherever I go.

I am the gnome,

the dwarf

that perches

near my ear --

the one who


willy you will!

nilly you won’t!

some boys do

and some boys don’t!’

I am a cat.

(I’m probably Siamese.)

I am both sides

of every issue.

An open door

that’s double-locked.

I am the lover

who’s found another,

at least two times --

twice cursed,


I am the

second chance

for two hearts

to turn

quickly chilly --

or razzle-dazzle,


( I spend my time

with whom I please).

I deeply


my recent


I am



with grief.

I am legion.

We are massing.

(I am the whisper

in the leaf).

I am the little sister

the older brother

who steps aside

for yet another

so she can whisper,

‘willy! nilly!

SHTOP wit’ t’at!

Now, both o’ you

are actin’ silly!’

(Some say only

one eye sees.)

(Tommy winks.)

I am two pieces

of a mirror,

the thumb that always

flips a coin,

I am the promise,

the one that’s broken,

the one that I will always keep

for nights when

willy breaks a heart,

and nilly holds

the other part

(up to what

the mirror sees.)

I am the orphan

what nursed his mother;

I am the knife

what cut that cord.

I am the teacher,

the clumsy lover,

I am the stone.

I am the sword.

I am the answer

to my own puzzle,

I am the fortune

you can’t afford.

I am the preacher,

also the muzzle,

I am the deevil! .

I am the LORD…!

I am the judge

who’d love to hang her,

I am the secret

you’ll never tell,

I am a double


(I am the rope!

I am the bell! )

I know the road

to your salvation,

for I have gone

the way of sin.

I am a man

without a nation,

I am the giggle!

I am the grin!

I am the

final supper.

The perfect host.

The father,

the son,

the holy ghost;

I am the blood.

I am the body.

I am the seeker,

and the grail.

I have been good,

and I’ve been naughty!

I am the cross,

I am the nail,

I am the cross,

I am the nail,

I am the nail,

I am the nail,

I am the’ Nail

I am the NAIL…

(cue fiddle)


I AM THE ‘NAIL-OOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!!

I AM THE ‘NAAAAiLLLOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo!!!!!!




SCENE: The bottom of a well.


[ANNE stands in darkness, partially lit with a small blue spot. Slowly, she

opens her eyes and begins to speak.]

What I do remember,

I don’t care to.

So I don’t care

to remember

the rest.

My name is Anne,

I know that much.

Age of twenty-two,

I t’ink – or was it

twenty-three? --

and the only

other thing

I know for sure

is I’m not exactly

at me best.

They say I only

comes oop to here,

but I comes oop,

if you know what I mean,

and swingin’, if that’s what’s

called for, see?

And swingin’ a dead cat,

if that’s what

needs might be.

I can still out-hurl

any Kilkenny Kat,

or any Langton from

Cloneen at that,

so put that in your pipe

and smoke it, boys,

and what do ye

think of me hat?

I never really count

the days,

these days,

as much as watch them,


For lately I’ve been

terrible weary,

and my sight’s not

what it was.

My bed is too far

from my window --

I no longer

feel the breeze.

I hate my pillow

where it is

and do my best

to gather leaves.

Though I confuse

my summers, autumns,

though I no longer smell the sea,

I can tell when winter’s done.

Spring is never

lost on me.

I never really know who’s there,

So I play dead, old dutiful me!

for all my boys

so need to weep,

my darlin’ boy,

his tears and rest.

O, how I wish they wouldn’t worry,

O how to tell them not to mourn,

O, how I wish I knew

which tears were so forlorn,

still soockle at my breast!?

Come gather ‘round me,

children, maidens,

O, I’ll be along,

he’ll see.

Restless maidens!

Have some fun!

Spring is never

lost on me!

I’m never quite sure of the morning,

but I know when it is night.

It’s only when you’re very still

that stars come pay you company

(that’s what me mother said).

I must admit, I am relieved

to see a tad more moonlight

on my pillow,

for every one of

my old suitors

stands at the foot

of my new bed.

You see? The moon has not forgotten!

Nor has my girlish memory.

My lovers line up one by one!

Spring is never

lost on me.

Was it me feet?

or me memory

that slipped?

Me hand

or me heart

that made a fist

and gripped?

I don’t know,

I can’t remember

the least, and most

of what there was --

I’ve even forgotten what a

memory’s for

(haven’t I said this already?),

O, but I’ll never forget

what a memory does.

(cue music)

You see, it never serves me very well

when memory serves up a stew

that’s not the story time may tell,

but just a dim and hazy view.

When memory serves up a stew,

it’s not the faces I recall,

but just a dim and hazy view

from heaven’s gate and garden wall.

It’s not the faces I recall

of love, the lingering of hearts that fell

from heaven’s gate and garden wall.

When I must think, I cannot tell

of love. The lingering of hearts that fell,

fall into dreams, go skipping past.

When I must think, I cannot tell

which heart came first, what love left last.

Fall into dreams! Go skipping! Past

loves curse my heart today.

Which heart came first? What love left last?

I forget who went away.

Love’s curse! My heart today,

my eyes tomorrow, will never really see.

I forget who went away,

and who teases my poor memory.

My eyes tomorrow will never really see

that’s not the story. Time may tell.

And who teases my poor memory?

You see? It never serves me very well.

(Anne falls to quiet, lifting her face to a whiter light.

After a pause, she speaks.)


The time has come

to tell you, dear,

of all the dragons I

once swore that I’d hold

from you, for you, buried in my

heart and locked within

my frightened keep.

Even in this shallow water,

the serpents I once

said I fear,

the ogre that would

turn me old,

the death I thought

so full of monsters? I

find is merely death,

is only dragon sleep.

I know you tiptoed

through the cave,

and that you were scorched

as you crept through --

though you were brave,

so shockin’ brave!

no shield could ever

hope to save

us from the flames --

save you

from waking me,

or me from

waking you.

And though I fell

to forever here,

forever down

this well,

For you,

my love,

my heart

falls still.

Sure, it was

for you

I fell.

And though

my heart

was once a shrew,

a cold and

jealous liar,

now my heart

is lying still --

lies smoldering

in dragon fire.

And in this cavern

where I burn,

and breathe this

dragon’s breath?

As in life

I died for you?


I’ll live for you

in death.





None of us was too surprised, you know,

when Tommy chose to wear the collar.

He’s his mad granny’s, after all,

didn’t we used-to-used-to say.

And when he come home from London,

with the beard and that haircoot,

wasn’t I always after sayin’, ‘Have ya

seen Tommy ‘Nail? And is he not lookin’

more and more like Our Lord every day?!’

Oh, I suppose Tom could be a pious man --

and usually with pious men

that’s all ya need to know, you know?

Ya na’ have to say no more.

But Tommy ‘Nail was an odd sort of feller.

The man had God in ‘im,

there was never any doubt o’ that,

but still -- and this, by his own account, mind --

Tommy ‘Nail could be the

shon of the deevil himself, begore.

Aye, Father Tom was always more

a holy man than parish priest,

‘she-man,’ or ‘sheayman, ’

or whatever it was he used to call it --

and, mind, what a man does in private,

on his own time, sure,

da-da-dat’s his own affair….

But when Tommy got his

mo-jo-mimbo-what-ever-ya-call-it, goin’, boy,

the world became a more vivid place

when it was Father Tom describin’ it.

He had a gift for takin’ you on journeys

and for makin’ you believe

you’d really been there.

All right, so it was a bit of a shock

to see him in the collar,

but never really a surprise --

but then nut’in’ ever is in Clough

(and if you don’t believe me,

just look in our eyes);

see, we may all be crazy,

but there’s none of us that’s fools --

and that’s another t’ing about this place:

We all know what to expect, do you see,

because everyone here

is aware of the rules.

When poor Dim Mary was raped in a barn

and later found herself with child,

wasn’t it your man Tom who slapped that girl

the length of the cross o’ Clough, bejaysus,

damning her there before us all --

and for what? Just for bein’

simple and wild.

It was not that he’d turned cruel, do you see,

or was somehow unaffected --

(sure, afterwards, Himself was harder on

himself than he ever was on her) –

it’s just that, well…

he was the priest,

don’t you know.

Those were the rules.

It was what the rest

of us expected.


(providing both voices)



So how’s de

missus goin’ on,

said he,

well, she won’t kick

the boocket on the fly, says me,

and what a marvelous relief

all o’ that must be – for you, says he,

sez you, says me,

aye, say I, why,

what say you?


I suppose

if it’s all

left up to me,

I suppose that

I say aye (said me).

(cue fiddle)

All of a sudden, Tommy

jumped from his chair.

Trumlin! T’row me

your fiddle! he cried,

and didn’t he start playin'

like mad on that yoke --

but, sure, he must have

t’rown him an invisible fiddle,

because …well, I mean to say!

Sure, you could hear

the music fine as you like,

but the fiddle itself --

I swear by the sweet

blessed mother o’ Jaysus –

[JIM looks in both directions,

and lowers his voice]

. . . it just wasn’t fookin’ there.

And Tommy cried,



The fiddle’s gone

stark- ravin’ MAD!

So quickly, boyo,

grab a girl

who knows the secret

in the dance

and doesn’t mind

a naughty whirl!

Come dance a

secret melody

that only Trumlin’s

fiddle knows,

the words are riddles! ladies!

bring your fiddles!

Fling a ROSE...!”


Tommy took his merry bow

and beat his fiddle

like a child.

The singers cheered

when Tommy hit

a note that drove

the dancers wild;

there's was somethin'

in the melody

that made you want

to dance along,

that made you sing,

and shout out loud,

that there's just somethin'

about the song!

As good as you will ever feel,

you’ll feel when you feel Tommy’s Reel.

O’course, only Tommy knew

the way to really dance

this tune, this wicked waltz,

this invitation to romance ;

Pick up your feet! he cried,

Lift up your heart!

Forget the words! Make up your own!

Let no one be afraid to shout!

just sing it out! let it be known

that girls confess, and skirts reveal

their hidden selves to Tommy’s Reel.

When the rest of us were

out of breath,

that’s when Tommy

really started,

Tommy fiddled,

shadows danced --

a tune to distract

the brokenhearted,

A terrifying frenzy

did away with all our fears,

standing there, alone,

Tommy played

a fine duet.

Ah, the harmony,

the sweetness of it,

brought rugged men

to tears.

Not one among us

can conceal

our hidden hearts

from Tommy’s Reel.


Tom suddenly cried,

as he lept to his feet,

and ran outside,

lifted his arms

and opened them wide!


TOMMY (dancing):

O, I’M a typical vic’

of a Kilkenny man,

I haven’t a clue,

but I have a PLAN!

Nice ta meetcha! Gotta go!

For I’m the ‘NAILO don’t you know!



IN every cell, and bone

and follicle,

I am Tommy,

the diabolical



O, I

dance, I weave,

I frolic, I wiggle,

just about anyt’ing

makes me giggle,

your misfortune

makes me cry,

let’s face it,

I’m a hecka of a GUUUYYYY….!!






And that goes for me!!

And so am I!!!”

(Tommy bows twice.)







Tommy ‘Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaasil…!!

All my love lies waiting here

among the ruins, in my sleep.

My lonely mornings call him near,

the nighttime brings my heart to deep.

Among the ruins, in my sleep,

I swim the caves, I swim them blind,

the nighttime brings my heart to deep

and darkened dawns these mornings find.

I swim the caves, I swim them blind

through the restless evenings, empty halls

and darkened dawns. These mornings find

me quiet – just until the evening falls.

Through restless evenings, empty halls

No words can ever hope to keep

me quiet just until the evening falls,

I start talking in my sleep.

No words can ever hope to keep

The melody without the song,

I start talking in my sleep

when love has made me wait too long.

The melody without the song

my aching heart tries to explain.

When love has made me wait too long,

My nightmares mumble, dreams complain.

My aching heart tries to explain.

My lonely mornings call him near.

My nightmares mumble. Dreams complain.

All my love lies waiting here.

(ANNE begins to slowly dance)

Those times I feel that life’s a dance,

a frenzied, short and bright display,

a sort of fear woos that romance.

So sudden bright, so soon away.

A frenzied, short and bright display,

with sadness, in its grand disguise,

so sudden bright! so soon away!

all there before my frightened eyes.

With sadness, in its grand disguise,

misguided by a twisted path,

all there before my frightened eyes,

I danced into an aftermath.

Misguided by a twisted path

those times I though my life a crime,

I danced into an aftermath,

still fearing the effects of time.

Those times I thought my life a crime,

I then hoped for a sudden light,

still fearing the effects of time

I now find comfort in the night.

I then hoped for a sudden light,

and now it’s getting dark inside my mind,

I now find comfort in the night,

I now find comfort with the blind.

And now it’s getting dark. Inside my mind,

a kind of fear woos that romance.

(I now find comfort with the blind

those times I feel that life’s a dance.)

(ANNE stops dancing)

Forgive me, Tom, I know that I

should never ever speak of this –

but . . . lately, my mind wanders!

Though I know we both agreed

to let the issue die

its death , and all of my mis-

givings be laid to rest and done,

still, there are those times

I just don’t know.

I fear we made a grave mistake.

I find I mourn what was not wanted,

and though I’d never question you,

along our road, this missing link

is like a pebble in my shoe.

Forgive me, dear, but I am haunted,

Sometimes I think that we were blind,

I’m sorry, I can’t help but think.

He’s there so clearly in my mind.

O, Tom!

Just as I know I love you,

I just know his hair was red,

(begins to weep)

the eyes, a shockin’ blue.





Now I know that I’ve not told you

all the details, not just yet.

Later you will better see

how it is sometimes better, often best,

to start with fragments of a song

when you’re workin’ with

this kind of complicated melody.


if you require barren facts,

the bare bones, if you will,

then I will do

me very best

to tell you in the very way

that Father Tom

confided it to me.

If ya must know, said he….


It was after mass,

on a Sunday that December

when Annie knelt before me

and let spill her raven hair,

confessed to me

that she’d surrender --

and not just to the

will of God, ya know,

but to me every secret,

lonely prayer.

Didn’t she giggle

as she took me in,

and swear to me

she’d never tell.

Didn’t she laugh, and say,

‘O, father,

if this were sin,

sure, then I’d . . .I’d hang meself

from your fookin’ bell….!”

And then, when I put on my other suit?

Bejaysus if she didn’t

become … less enthusiastic.

Ah, but when I wore that collar, boy,

that’s when she confessed

to all she knew!

We had no secrets, after all, when

all was bedded down and done,

except, perhaps, the kind of secrets

kissin’ cousins’ kisses keep (all

flesh and blood

and naughty fruit!)

Jimmy, her eyes were

so shockin’ blue and deep

I thought I’d never stop my fall.

Or ever, ever fall to sleep.

(Cue music)

Her gait was such that angels dreamed

of someday dancing to her tune.

Her voice, so sweet, the thrushes beamed

Behold her eyes! Never mind the moon.

Of someday dancing to her tune

sweet children jumped and sang in praise,

behold her eyes! never mind the moon!

the girls went green, boys counted days.

Sweet children jumped and sang in praise

of skin as soft as lilac-down,

the girls went green, boys counted days,

trees turned new leaves, old women frowned.

Of skin as soft as lilac-down

young minstrels sing , their voices build,

trees turn new leaves, old women frown

at all the hearts my true love filled.

Young minstrels sing, their voices build,

in halting tones, they sing in awe

at all the hearts my true love filled,

she must be false, defies some law.

In halting tones, they sang in awe,

the babies cooed and fairies preened,

she must be false! defies some law!

Her cheeks flushed red, their eyes burned green.

Of someday dancing to her tune

the babies cooed and fairies preened.

Behold her eyes! Never mind the moon!

Her gait was such the angels dreamed.

We’d walk along the

bo’reens of Cloneen,

and fill our heads

with giddy wishes.

I’d close my eyes

and hold my breath

and whisper, ‘please say no,

She’d pick out

two perfect daffodils

and t’row them to

the yellow fishes;

she told me she was

scared to death,

then whispered, ‘never go.’

Water did

what water does

when lovers stop

to rest or drink.

The calm it gave

we tucked away

to save for mornings

we might think

our love was not

as once it was.

Deadly t’ings

were in that day.

Sometimes things that die,

die because they should.

Especially when

you know

to let ‘em live

would only mean

they’d never

come to

any good.

This love I borrowed,

was stolen from me,

and now it will not lend !

Not even a hand

a foockin’ hand

except, perhaps, to tease

the skinny moon

that’s slowly

bein’ put to death,

on nights like this,

when nights begin --

begin, but never end.

O, curse this love!

(It does not please.)

Ignore this heart!

(Here, catch my breath!)

Forget these words!

What’s done is done.

An absent hand

cannot be won.

The rings of Saturn,

when laid bare,

would never fit

just any finger --

so goes the moon

no longer there.

It’s only dust,

like us.

Dust and light

that tries

to linger.

So what’s left here

that I can pawn?

I ask ya, where’s

love’s gain?

As you can see,

our merry moon is gone.

(TOMMY sighs)

So many nights remain.


At this, the lads of

Clough fell still

and watched the fire

change his face,

Tommy’s spectre

started to fill

their hearts with Annie’s

ghostly grace.

So they just sat

and watched the embers die,

and listened to his song.

Then, softly,

like a lullabye,

the boys began

to sing along:


She walked

across crisp

chill of mornin’,

skies gave way

to passing whims,

Sighs gave way,

without a warnin’

with kisses floatin’

on the wind,

softly on the wind.


My heart is like

an ugly duckling,

swaddled in

a bloody sheet,

a baby rat,

a drowning pup,

what gurgles in

its tiny rage;

my heart is like

an evil suckling,

teethin’ on a

withered teat,

rattlin’ its

dribble cup

across its hollow,

heavin’ cage . . .!



took my hand

and kissed me, yawning,

bid me lightly

to arise,

walked me out

into the dawning

looking to my eyes,

my eyes,

for somethin’ in my eyes.


My heart

is like

a restless sailor

who longs to go back

to the sea,

my heart

is like

a foolish jailor

who’s locked himself

with his

own key,

Don’t ask me

if I loved her;

would ya charge me

my own fee?

And don’t ask

for whom

the fookin’ bell tolls,

‘cause this one

tolls for ME, boys…!


She stole away

the stolen kisses,

caught a wind

that smelled of rain

whirled away

a world of wishes,

‘til only the winter

wind remained,

only the wind remained,

whirled away

a world of wishes,

‘til only the

wind remained.


A hundred

of her faces

dance and flicker

in me eyes.

She still puts me

through the paces,


my disguise.

I listen for

her heartbeat,

but all I hear

are broken chimes,

and even when

our world was sweet,

my love died

a t’ousand times.


She said that it

was merely

justice, derring-

do or die.


I said I saw

that clearly --

in the corner

of her eye;


Didn’t Anne look sweet and


as she confessed

to all your crimes?


Aye, but when ya

sent her to the city,

my love died

a thousand times.


It was like

a clumsy minuet,

or waltzing on



It was like I took

a soocker’s bet

when we would



She’d do a

lazy pirouette

whenever a moon

began to climb,


…and now I’m dancing

to forget,

oh, my love dies

a thousand times!


IN the ticking

of the tower,

in the echo

of the well,


Sure, I wake up

on the hour!

At the tolling

of the bell!


Stolen kisses


open secrets,

empty rhymes,


when love

is too demanding,

love dies

a thousand times,

love dies

a thousand times,

love dies

a thousand times….”






Now, I’d been watching him

sitting there,

tracing the whirl

of his world in the air,

his fingers moving

slowly about his head.

as if to sum it up --

but, clearly, it was

deep confusion

holdin’ sway.

He counted off

his faith, his flock,

his folly and his rot,

the child that grew

where it should not

(and then, o’ course,

there was the

small matter of

his bein’ fookin’ dead!)

He weaved his hands

or somethin’, as if

to give it order.

And then,

just as easily,

he cast it all away.

He’d tutored the girl,

behind closed doors, you see,

spinning her marvels

with pencils and books;

he taught her all

the secret ways

that kingdoms rise

and angels soar;

sure, they’d jump and duck

and lunge and fly

like a ballerina

and a matador.

He took all their

prayers and promises

and poured them all

into a bottle;

all they’d been

had been decanted, flung

to sea and washed ashore.

He sent her off

in such a way

he could be truly sure

he would never, ever

see her again.

Or torment her

any more.

(TOMMY enters and takes up the tale)


Everything thing I say these days

comes out soundin’ like a sermon.

Though, if ya think that this is just a sermon,

well then ya better get out of the way.

I suppose the t’ings I stand for now

are gettin’ harder to determine,

but what is very clear to me, is this --

this, that I have to say:

The heart, the blood, the meat

of this uncertain call-to-arms

has often brought me to attention,

so that I may bring attention

to the almost always fatal charms

of likewise God-forsaking sinners

who sing out the very same alarms

as when I sang for my own

supper bell -- cursing,

even as I pulled the rope,

my useless, feeble

(empty) arms,

that night I sang all my

tangled rhymes of reason

until both my t’roat

and heart were raw,

in defense of a love that

never could abide by any season --

not to mention rhyme or reason.

Or any other law.

Beware the man

who tries to justify

the ragin’ of his storm

by shoutin’ vainly

in its wind

about a dream

he claims he fought

so valiantly to keep alive,

but, truth to tell --

barely could

keep warm.

The words we use

to speak of t’ings like this

they sound paltry to me, now --

paltry and abrupt.

Sometimes words

are every bit

as hollow as intentions,

y’ know?


Unless you use

the time to shape them,

strip them

of false glamour;

use them

to soothe

(or, better still,


Too often I’d indulge meself

in all that bright and vulgar clamor,

in all those gaudy terms

that priests and poets use,

which only serve to interrupt

the stillness

of the private wild,

where words are whispers,

coo’s and kisses –

private t’ings,

that bring us closer

to private worlds

(that words corrupt!)

I can’t stay still!!

I can’t ignore the fear
I fear when evening crows

and I know Anne is out there

playin’ with that

part of twilight

every damned and

dead man knows

will only reap

more troubled sleep,

as he seeks out

his reason’s rose,

and holds very tight

to a sleepless night,

and to a moon

that only

beckons those

who really read

the words of dead men,

who tried to dream

before they dozed.

I’ve come back, do ya see,

to collect in full.

all of the tithings I am due. . .

The worm has turned,

or hadn’t you noticed?

It’s time for me

to confess to you!

Didn't I stand fast when

all of ye came back to me with all

the sordid ruttings of your conscience?

When all you really wanted was

a place to go to bat your eyes

and moan and keen and whine?

Well, it’s my turn now.

and I’ve got the fiddle,

so what are ye going to do?

Aye, it’s my turn now,

so answer me a riddle:


the foock

were you?

Where the fook were you

when Anne went down to the well

to make her final wish?!

And where were all the rest of ya,

when I came to you with mine?

And answer me this:

How could turn

your backs on her?

Given her your scorn,

when she didn’t even ask for pity?

And then, after you sent her well away,

and she come back to you ,defeated,

broken and defeated

by the filth of Dublin City,

how could you have turn your backs again?

Sure, was she not one of your own?

And who was it said they did it for me?

For MY name’s sake?! For foockin’ foock’s sake…!!

RIGHT, now, listen to me

very closely, you -- all o’ya:

My name is Father Thomas Alloysius

James Etcetera O’Neill,

my granny was a shanachie,

so don’t you ever, ever, EVER

try to fookin’ bullshit ME, boy …!

I’ll rip out your organs

and build ya a monster.

I’ll build him a foockin wife;

I’ll make her enjoy

the worst day of your liiiiiiife.

O, I once was blind, but now I see

the dark and deep in treachery!

I know exactly where to fix the blame

and it does not comfort me.

For just as I am under no illusions

as to what drove me to MY last supper bell,

likewise, I know all about

the narrow minds and waggin’ tongues

that brought my Anne the evenin’ news,

that made my Annie decide to choose

to take the quickest route to hell!!!

I didn’t even realize,

‘til after my last breath,

‘twas not for guilt we

lost our innocence;

‘twas never guilt,

but SHAME,

your own useless, useless,

virulant shame,

t’was your own shame

and not our guilt

that sentenced both

of us to death.


O, there are times I want to whisper

not to mention fookin’ scream,

there are times I’d like to go

right for the t’roat of all the times

that all I ever thought ye did for me

was foockin’ waste my time.

Even Judas wept at tricky kisses,

Brutus must have weighed the knife,

Or sunk his teeth into his hand.

How dare ya seek redemption

with the lies your tellin’ in confession,

and the often all-consuming

foockin’ litany of heartaches

that can only serve to conjure up

a Biblefull of blame?

How dare ya draw on anecdotes

of fathers’sistersmotherslov--,

Christ, the way ya murdered

all her midnights!

How dare you even

speak her name!?

Anne once tried to tell me

that we’re all just walkin’ fences,

that what you really have to do

is either burn the wings or fly,

she grabbed me and she whispered,

‘While you’re waiting for an angel,

don’t forget you’re not the only one

who’s trying not to cry,’

I probably lost her when she grabbed me

much too tight for me to listen,

and choked me ‘til I looked into

the corner of her eye,

‘Don’t forget to wake the children!’

was what she spat into my bottle,

‘don’t forget to startle all the little

bastards where they lie!

Tom, ye know that there’s no angel,

Christ, you know there’s no redemption,

Shite, you have to know by now

that there are only fishwives here --

gossips who will only come

to mock us in the morning,

who will mock us in the cold and burning

midnight of the evening of the

dawning of the day

that they’ll just sit

and watch us die…!’





Tom put down his glass,

and rose for the door,

his tears all shed,

his hands all wrung.

He stepped away from the bar,

and fell to his knees,

and then

he sighed,

and moaned,

and keened,

and sung:

Hand me

no bedding!

This is blood

I am shedding!

I still have

my youth!

I still have a


And we shall

still dance

on the day

of her wedding!

Straight from

the innocence,

into the



Tommy stood there, very still,

as the air around him

turned dark red --

like he’d just gone

to night from day,

Then, slowly, Tommy

raised his head.

For he

had this

to say:


There’ll not be


merry moon,

he said.

I’ve no more


in the sullen dawn.

Some great love

may come

your way soon.



it will

be gone.

For that



ya see.






ache s,

ya see






JIM: (faster)

Tommy kicked aside his chair

and then he tore away his collar,

stared deep and slowly into me,

then glanced up at my clock.

Then he ran outside again

and, O, he then commenced to holler,

hollerin’ in the wind that nearly

swept away his frock.





he cried.





Do you ya think there’s

even one dead man

who does not long to take

his fookin’ gray and mottled heart

and place it in an old tin cup

so he may drag it all across

the ribs of his hollow,

HEAVIN’ cage?!

Do ye think that just

because we’re dead

the rest of ye

can merely

turn the PAGE?????






Tommy whirled himself into a circle,

started spinning full around,

he drove his staff into the earth

and there it shook and cracked the ground…

…but at the very same time,

he was frozen there in space!

Like a…like a…still photo in a motion blur…

…but still dancin’ there in place…!

And then all of a sudden

the rest of us noticed,

it wasn’t the fire

that was changin’

his face . . .

sure the

fire itself…

…had taken its place!

We all held still,

and looked away

from the blaze,

as frightened men will

when they think

that they’re seein’

the last of all of the

rest of their days.

Then suddenly,

all went still again,

just as suddenly as the

storm began.

His tiny frame,

so small and weary,

his eyes so loving, sad,

and water blue,

for just for a moment there

he looked for a moment there,

like he did when he was very young --

like a normal, livin’,

lovin’, breathin,’

sinnin’ son of man.




(TOMMY steps in and addresses the audience)

You know…I’ve often wondered

if it was it God or Man

who took these everyday temptations

and turned ‘em into

some sort of sordid, mortal sin?

Sure, it must have

been the work of God.

For he’s always so … original.

Though I suspect that even He

came close with this one,

you know --

ta doin’ Himself in.

Was I the humble parrish priest

or did I play the royal fool

when all my dizzy, derring-do

would turn me from

the very t’ings

that turned my heart

from turning cruel?

When demons in me

start to rise,

my fickle tyrants tickle true!

So when a love began to sing?

I only listened in disguise.

Now, I know that there’s part of me,

that’s certain of a perfect scheme

that lives within love’s own design,

and deep within love’s mystery.

Yet there’s another part, just as certain of

some horror living in the dream,

and it was there I drew

my dark, unholy line.

And it was there I spent

my days in folly

and nights in melancholy,

until all that was left

was only my desire.

My desire to only

murder love.

Just how long does

folly keep a man

from turning from

the errant schemes

that make an honest

man deny the truth

in every perfect plan?

How long does folly hold a man

a hostage to his folly,

and to all the t’ings

he would have tried

that took the fall --

after the pride --

and all the rest

he locks inside

that folly

made him hide?

How long must I bear witness

to the burden of my folly?

How much longer

must it be a burden

I must bear alone?

How much longer

must I wander

in the fields

of waste and squander?

In the shadows

and the corridors

of pentinence

and squalor?

How long

does folly feast

upon an

errant priest?!


how long

is any man

expected to atone????

(TOMMY turns to the BOYS)

Drink up, lads!

And drink to forget --

for princesses and

pirate ships

and mermaids

are no more.

My childhood dreams

have all been shattered,

from guardian angels,

to God almighty,

to Peter fookin’ Pan.

Sure, even Captain Hook

could not escape

the tickin’ of the clock.

(Perhaps you will recall

that inconvenient

second hand?)

Aye, when your man Pan

was showin’ off up there,

perched up on his fookin’

fancy English windowsills,

to urge his little, noisy flock

of limey fops to fly,

didn’t Wendy, John

and Michael leap

as if they’d never,

never land?

(cue music)

Listen up, lads:

The churchyard’s

full of Peter Pans,

and double-stacked

with lonely priests,

long-lost boys

who’ve lost their swagger,

and now they never

will grow old.

Their shadows are

in need of mendin’;

they never say

their prayers at night.

They dropped their shields

and sheathed their daggers,

And did what they were told.

The fields are dark

with broken hearts,

in hideaways and

wishing wells,

they disappear

through secret doorways

to somewhere dark and cold.

The skies are filled

with Wendy-birds,

with bedtime tales, and

snakes and snails,

and lots of lullabyes to sing.

Ah, but, mark my words,

these broken birds

soon fall to earth

on single wing.

For, with little use

for reason,

and even less

for rhyme,

long-lost boys

will always

take their aim

at shooting stars.

If only just

to pass the time.

I’ll tell ye all a

little secret lads:

Real ghosts? Only

haunt each other.

And mostly they just

haunt themselves.

Can't ya hear her

giggle in the echoes?

Shhhhh! Listen closely!

Listen! Can't you tell?

She’s gigglin’

like that, ya see,

because she knows

she’s got hers

back at me --

damned me now forever

to walk this

oddly mortal hell.

For, you see,

the day I flung her

from my pulpit?

When she confessed to all?

All our secrets?

All the secrets of

how she and father fell?


they say

that day

I did not

take it

very well.

For on

that day,

HO, they say

they found me


they say

they found me


O, they found me

ringin’ and ringin

and ringin’

and ringin.

They say

they found me


from my own

chapel bell.

(cue music)

Ah, but lads,

if I could only

find that girl tonight,

and hold her

in my arms again?

And once, just once,

kiss her in the way I used to,?

The way I used to kiss

that girl goodnight?

Well, I’d be swingin’

from the rafters all right.

Sure, I’d be swingin’ from

the chandeliers…!

And ya know what else?

Lads, I’d build us a bed

out of trees and stars

and all the scattered

broken parts

of all the shattered

broken hearts

that roam these fields

at night, alone,

in search of

each other’s bones.

Nothin’ forbidden.

Nothin’ a test.

Just a place

for us to

lie down,

you know?

And finally,








Melissa was the quiet one.

She barely winced when she was told.

Willie was too young, and never

could understand his brother’s demons,

let alone his demon dance.

Sara was the eldest, and more

distant than the rest,

but somehow Tommy

always found his way

into a private part of Sara’s heart.

Tommy’s mother loved her beaming boy

the way that thrushes love the morning.

His father's heart was hard, but fair --

though he often seemed to favor

Tommy’s chances, Tommy’s dreams.

Sara said they shared a demon.

You could see it when they danced.


(Mother mentioned mornings make

melissa much more melancholy;

sara sleeps so sadly, so silent

sister’s sorrow seems;

willie, when we wake, will wander,

wistfully, where women weep;

demon dance dies dark and dreadful,

deeply drowning daddy’s dreams..)


Melissa loved her brother Tom

more than her younger brother ever will;

Willie didn’t mind; for he better loved

his better brother too. Sarah turned to mirrors,

always staring, turning, painting layer

after layer on her face, asking her father,

“Do I look all right? Do I look all right?”

His mother chose to shut herself

away in Tom’s old room,

while his Father’s heart

stayed dark, distracted --

unwilling to accept the weight of it,

so sure was he his eldest son

would simply follow.

Follow when he calls..


(Father’s phantom follows faster,

fears forgotten, fanning flames

by bringing beaming boys bare bones,

by bleeding brother’s barren bed.

sometimes siblings somehow smile,

sometimes sisters sadly spin,

demon dance dies dark, declaring,

look! daddy’s dancing! Shhhhh! Tommy’s dead.)


There is a well

beside a lake

that stands alone

near Heartbreak Hill,

where they say Anne

would always bring her wishes

(is that an ashtray? thanks),

whenever she might want

to sort things out,

or trace the fraying thread.

They say she always was

the first to wake,

for when the lake

was very still,

the mists would rise,

and this favorite haunt

would call to her,

summon Anne

to raise her dead.

Some say strangers should beware

of some poor bastard’s crazy daughter

who claims she’s lost a ring of pearl

she says she paid for, dearly, with her tears.

Of course, most will

say there’s nothing there

except for shadows in the water;

No one’s actually seen the girl,

or gone near the well for years.

At Annie’s well there are no girls

to pay attention to the warning.

There’s no one left to even bother.

No more daughters left to drown.

But sometimes, in the misty swirls

and murky dark of early morning?

It’s almost like you can hear the father

beckoning that daughter down.

When Jimmy finished with his tale that night,

He looked hard at me, as if to see

if there was anything I wished to add, or say.

I could have given him a list

of all the things that he had missed,

the parts of the song that he got wrong,

all the songs he didn’t sing.

In fact I was tempted to say nothing,

and merely walk away.

But, it wasn’t Jimmy’s fault,

and I didn’t have the heart

to just leave him there ,

with that look on his face

that could scare up the dead.

So, although I felt no real obligation,

I found I did have a piece to say.

And, to the best of my recollection,

this is what I said:

I know this place. I know it still.

Beneath this tree, this sun will cast

a sparkle rather than a shade,

too clearly I can see the hill

where, when I’d visit as a child, I never passed

the green and gold in every perfect blade,

the ease familiar fields provide --

when boys are told to play outside.

An old house, when it’s rotted through,

should teach a child about decay

but in this place I felt I knew

that somehow things

just found their way.

Now what peace am I to find

when, even here, I have

no peace of mind?

I know that many voices here

will claim that shadows only disappear,

that memories are but discarded wishes

at the bottom of a well.

Well, I’ve come to place a wager with

the shadows that would bring me here,

to stake a grave against the lies

that I’ve heard fools and fishwives tell,

Yes, it’s true, the last time

I saw Tom alive,

I was startled by

a sudden rage

that he’d let slip,

then locked away ,

then pardoned –

only to cage again.

That year, as we

turned that page,

there was somethin’

written in his face

I’d always try to read.

I must have been distracted.

I must have lost my place.

Something wounded Tom that year,

that he kept double-locked inside,

a murmur in his heart,

that would murmur things

to Tom, then hide,

an ill wind of whispers,

that was always

at his side,

and the things

it whispered

killed him.

Long before he died

I think the saddest sound I’ve ever heard

and saddest sight I’ve seen

was the sound of the men

beside me on deck

as our boat pulled away

from the docks of Dun Laohaire,

singing songs of farewell

to their mothers and the green ,

and the sight of Tommy

as he ran alongside,

‘til he got to the end

of the longest pier,

leaping and waving

his odd little heart out,

as I watched him get smaller

and smaller and smaller,

until I saw Tommy disappear.

I know that one day,

you’ll come back to this place,

Tom said to me on that

day at Dun Laohaire,

even when I can

come back here no more;

So if you do, boyo,

then just promise me this –

for your heart’s still strong,

and mine has grown weary --

that you’ll come here to the water,

stand your ground at the shore.

Ask me no questions,

I’ll explain it no more.

Just come here to the water.

Stand your ground at the shore

You see, boyo, ,

most men are a lot like

like this little green island.

And for most, there’s one woman

who teases his shore.

Life is a ship, with

no real destination.

And love? ... Well,

this is just what I think:

Sometimes love

is an innocent child,

that goes out into the world

and turns into a hoor.

Joyce’s is called something

else these days,

the lads all met

their various ends.

They say Jimmy died doing

what Jimmy did best --

raisin’ a glass

to absent friends.

Some men grieve

by seeking vengeance.

Others content to merely mourn.

I’m the kind of man who,

when my fears are fears confirmed,

my grief grows wild –

it becomes a wild and fearsome thing,

it takes me roughly by the hand

and will not rest until it’s shown

exactly where they found

the curtain torn,

it will not rest – my mind

will never let me rest.

Oh God make it stop.

Or at least help me understand.

Friendship is a funny t’ing.

It tests men in the strangest ways.

It can flourish in the dead of winter,

and wither deep in spring.

Golden boys on golden days

will swear to things that often hinder

pledges that they swore they’d never

truly hold each other to forever;

behind their backs, they cross their fingers,

cross their hearts and hope to die

before too many golden days

or golden boys get by.

Gossips speak

in guarded tones,

about a well of bones

they finally found,

Two stones stand by

like chaperones

where Tommy danced

above the ground,

And now

they’re hangin’ ornaments

around the

chapel square,

before they take

their sacraments,

there still are girls

who brush their hair,

lovers are still

accused of treason,

a charge that

none of them deny,

the fields are black

and without season.

Scarecrows often

wander by.

When it’s a wind

that rings the bell,

a deadly quiet

choir sings.

The parrish bows

its head to hell.

The women sigh.

The tower rings.

Even when the brides

and grooms

stand at the altar,

they’re really standing guard.

They guard a wind

that teases tombs

as it whistles through

the chapel yard.

October 8, 2007

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